the MAGA cult has done and elected to office I will believe the republican party is done when I see the good people rise up and not stop until the congress and the white house is cleaned out . There is always pearl clutching and words but you never see them come together like they mean it and would even stick together long enough to get what needs to be done accomplished . Had millions that sat at home and didn't even vote and let our country be taken over by the worst of the worst since we became a country . A Republic if you can hold it should mean something but we can't hold it by sitting at home and typing statements on forums and clutching pearls and most importantly having a great many not take it seriously enough to vote.I hope it's not too late to save it but we must come together and do it daily all over this country and never stop until victory is gained. WE need to get serious and vote out any democrat that don't follow the full wishes of the voters and we must send a strong message that we will raise money and our voices out of the hands of the DNC who don't listen to the voters but the elected politicians who haven't been made to answer why our party has fallen so far .,We had no choice in who the DNC placed by their own votes in positions and they don't represent what we the voters need done. The politicians in our party joined in the choir of republicans to cause Joe Biden have to give up his campaign not listening to what the voters were saying.I supported Harris and we would have been in a much better state of affairs than we are now. We let the power that be when compared to the democratic voters as a whole are just a grain of sand in the picture decide what they instead of we the people would have liked. We need someone who is strong in this fight to start a pac where we the people tell them where and what races to put our money into and to forcefully answer the republican ridiculous policies and lies . Buy ads continually to put out to the public because we can't count on the media to do it for us and we can't count on the DNC to do any of it right for us .