With all these unqualified nominations, doesn't it make you wonder about the people [View all]
who get voted into the boards of corporate America? I have it down to two streams of thoughts,
The first: That Corporate America really does have to survive financially, so incompetent board member are at a minimum. These would include Nepo appointments as well as cronyism. YET, there have been many examples where the workers of a company have seen their corporations suffer because their new CEOs do not understand anything about the business they're managing. A contradiction that is hard to rationalize.
The second: There is no way possible that using the business model to run government effectively is possible, if Trump is any example. The appointments have mostly been loyalists who know absolutely nothing about government or business. Elon Musk is an outlier, though he has shown that he is capable of destroying a business, as he is doing with X. The rest are political hacks. However, if the Trump appointments tell us anything, it is that Grover Norquist's mission is the objective. All they're going to do is tear down government, and the hacks will do just fine for the job.