How Kash Patel Bungled a SEAL Team Six Hostage Rescue [View all]
One of the lies being told by Patel is that he did not endanger a Seal Team. Here are some facts
YEARS BEFORE DONALD TRUMP NAMED HIM TO RUN THE FBI, Kash Patel was a prosecutor in the Obama Justice Department assigned to work with Delta Force and SEAL Team Six.......
On October 30, 2020, President Trump signed off on a mission to have SEAL Team Six rescue Philip Walton, a 27-year-old American who gunmen had abducted from his farm in the West African nation of Niger, near the border with Nigeria. The kidnappers had hustled Walton across the border to Nigeria and were demanding a $1 million ransom.
In their book Only I Can Fix It, journalists Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker reported that the plan called for the SEALs to parachute into northern Nigeria and move three miles on foot to reach the compound where Walton was being held.
Secretary of Defense Mark Esper had signed off on the plan with one or two questions: Did we have permission to fly over Nigeria?
Patel, then the senior director for counterterrorism on the National Security Council, assured the Pentagon that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo got the airspace cleared.
A few hours later, the Pentagon learned that Patel was wrong: Nigeria had not given permission......
But the Pentagon was still furious at Patel. Tony Tata, the Pentagon official to whom Patel had given the green light, confronted Patel in a rage.
You couldve gotten these guys killed! Tata shouted at Patel, according to a report in The Atlantic. What the fuck were you thinking?
Patels response was: If nobody got hurt, who the fuck cares?
Is this the kind of person we want running the FBI? ###