I lived in Georgia, and you can't tell those people anything about unions. I speak from experience, I went through a union organizing effort. The company did everything possible to keep the union out. In the end, they won. You can't believe the times I heard "I'm a good employee, I show up on time, I do what I am told, I don't need a union" - that is, until the company screws them. By then they are crying. I was kind of young and naive at the time, and I should have known better. My opinion of the management was bad before the union lost, it was worse after. They rewarded all the people that were anti-union and punished the organizers. Probably the biggest shock I got was after it was all over, when I discovered the company had "moles" in the union meetings. My fellow employees were taking down everybody's name and what they said. The real winners were those that never said a thing. If the union won, they got the benefits. If it lost, they were not punished. What a load of crap that was. But really, the bottom line is you can't tell people in the South a damn thing. I moved back North and never looked back.