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Alabamians may not be crazy about President Barack Obama, but they overwhelmingly support his push for a free hand in negotiating a free trade deal with Asian nations, a survey released Friday suggests.
The survey, conducted by the Montgomery research firm Cygnal on behalf of the Main Street Opportunity & Growth Coalition a national organization that supports free trade found strong support for a measure approved by the U.S. Senate Friday night to give "fast track" trade authority to the president.
"Alabama voters regardless of party, age, or geography intensely support the Trade Promotion Authority currently being debated in Congress," Cygnal said in a news release "Considering the strong Republican bent of the state, it is powerful to see such a broad desire to provide trade negotiation authority to the president. These results show that Alabama voters want their senators and congressmen to vote for TPA."
U.S. Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, and Richard Shelby, R-Tuscaloosa, are not among that overwhelming majority indicated in the poll. They voted Friday against the deal. One three other GOP senators, however, voted "no." It passed on the strength of overwhelming support among Senate Republicans; a majority of Democratic senators opposed it.