New Anti-Trump Tech [View all]
Theres a tech tool that will take the headache out of reaching out to your congresspeople. Its called Resistbot, and its by far the easiest way to gradually chip away at Trumps spirit.
Heres how it works:
Text resist to 50409.
Youll be prompted to provide your name, zip code, and a message youd like to send to your senators.Once youre happy with your message, Resistbot will format it to look professional and fax it to both of your senators.
And thats about it. Should you want to fax your representatives as well, you can always text Resistbot your full address. You can text resist any time you want to send another message, as well as edit or preview a letter before you send it. Launched on March 8, the bot is already receiving some positive attention. But dont assume its designers are merely targeting progressives. As one of the cocreators, Jason Putorti, told Recode via email, We will faithfully deliver any message our users send in, but the voice of the product is for the liberals and conservatives in opposition to the Trump administration.