Update to and request re: "Stick Up for Your Rights" Sticky Note Pro-Choice Messaging Campaign [View all]
I've been posting this image online to get as many eyes on it as possible in the hopes that more and more people will participate in and share the idea (and image). I've gotten some good feedback and several people saying they're on board and have started posting public messages, which is encouraging.
Please spread it around if you like it!
Also, if you or someone you know is connected to a pro-choice/Democratic/women's/civil rights organization or campaign and like this idea, are technologically astute, and have a bit of PR/marketing/social media savvy, I'd love it if you or they would run with the concept and publicize it. One idea is to have a portion of a website dedicated to photos of these do-it-yourself messages. The organization could get people to send in photos of their own posted messages or messages that they've spotted, then post them on a website with a general description of the location, e.g.: "restroom, O'Hare Airport, Chicago," or whatever. I think people would really enjoy participating in something like that, and hopefully it could go viral.
Thank you all!
Let's all keep doing what we can through November 8!