Today is your last chance to give and receive hearts for this year! [View all]
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the Announcements group).
It's the final day of this year's Valentine Hearts Fund Drive -- hearts will be available to give and receive until late tonight (Wednesday February 15) but then they'll be packed away for another year. So if you have any hearts remaining to give out, please use them today because they'll be gone tomorrow.
We hope you all enjoyed this year's Hearts Week, and as always we greatly appreciate your support. Sites that rely on advertising for a significant portion of their funding -- as DU does -- have had to belt-tighten somewhat of late due to a global downturn in ad rates, which means your generous contributions are even more important to keep DU alive and thriving.
Grovelbot will be back in August for the Summer Fund Drive, and it's our expectation that the next Hearts Week will take place on DU4, which is reaching the final stages of development.
Until then, a heartfelt thank you from Elad and myself! DU is going strong, and as ever, we're proud to administer and participate in this great community.
-- EarlG