but ends up as just one more bought tool of the powerful
J D Vance then turned MAGA whore because the "elites" dissed him. Much like his new master, Donald the Tampon Guy, all JD wants is to be a celebrity with celebrity friends and celebrity party invitations; All JD wanted was acceptance from "coastal elites" and a seat at the next intellectual party. Sorry dude, you are who you are, maybe staying in Ohio was a mistake. Like Sleepy Don, had he been accepted into polite society, none of this nightmare would be happening.
In 2022, Vance was bought and paid for by billionaire and Hulk Hogan puppeteer Peter Thiel who wanted him to run for the Senate. He did that, somehow won, and entered the Senate in 2023. Wow, Thiel bought a Senator. Cool.
I found and read these amusing blog comments on Vance just after reading about the common traits of most mass shooters, or shooters getting fame for shooting celebrities, such as the guy who took shot at Trump. Lonely, angry, often harboring resentment for not being accepted by groups they idealize... you know the type. Reading about JD Vance after that rang a few bells. I don't believe in an omnipotent creator, but I find a lot of opportunities to respect the odd happenstance of serendipity in my mental explorations.
Vance is NOT a nice guy. He just has a better education than a lot of the young men who vent their illnesses on innocent bystanders via guns. We really do not need for him to have the big guns of power in Washington D.C.