Out of Serviss
Dear Diary:
I was helping my son move out of a third-floor walk-up in Crown Heights. He had worked it out the night before so that we had a parking space right in front of his building for the U-Haul the morning of the move.
The building had an elevator, but it wasnt working. The same misspelled sign had been draped across the door for a year: Out of Serviss.
Sweating as we finished up that morning, I made my last trip down the buildings worn marble stairs and saw a box truck double-parked next to our U-Haul.
Two workmen in hard hats and harnesses were sitting on the buildings stoop and sipping coffee from thermos cups.
Will you be leaving soon, one asked. We have work in the building.
I nodded and smiled, and then fumbled for the key.
As I pulled out, I saw the name of their company on the side of the truck: Brooklyn Elevator Inc.
Stephen Howe
Bryant Park Bird
Dear Diary:
I was sitting and reading in Bryant Park on a Sunday when a sparrow landed on a chair in front of me. It cocked its tiny head and, after showing its gold-flecked feathers, darted off.
Suddenly, a high, clear bird song pierced the air.
Wondering if it could be the sparrow, I scanned the trees but didnt see any birds.
Just then, a park worker walked by pushing a large bin. His lips were stretched tightly across his teeth and moving almost imperceptibly.
Intrigued, I stood up and glanced over at him as he passed.
He caught my eye and gave me a nod.
I nodded back.
Then the Bird Man of Bryant Park continued on down the path, whistling his song into the trees.
Leslie Noble