Resolved: That we challenge ROGAN's YouTube "wisdom" - the Marcus Aurelius edition. [View all]
Seems like the ROGAN-bots have latched onto sayings from Marcus Aurelius, as in "Smart, cool dude, man!1" Well, I read the Meditations in my adolescence when I read tons of stuff that I was unprepared for at the true *understanding* level. So I was reading tons of Big Stuff, and if I didn't "get" something here, there, everywhere, I chalked it off to: Well, so that's what Deep is about, stuff I don't get. The Mediations weren't in that category - understandable so not dismissed by me, but set aside for coming back to for collecting quotes if needed, confident that they would always be readily available - the set aside part having turned out to be: The rest of my life so far, not in an ugly sense.
But in my couple of years of YouTube University (where my chosen curriculum is of much higher quality than ROGAN's), in Professor Mary BEARD's estimation, the Meditations are a pompous mish mash of pseudo "wisdom" worthy of any public square blowhard or barroom or college bull session blowhard.
Nice segue from "public square blowhard" to ROGAN. So, *RESOLVED* that we one-up him and his bots by submitting our own, *original* wisdom-matications!
*** Here're some of mine:
Start with the hardest thing first, the farthest away, heaviest, most troublesome - and the waning exertion will match the duration and satisfy the completion that much better.
To do one thing, you've got to do ten things first.
*******QUOTE***** Samples of Marcus Aurelius (from Google AI samples of "the best": )
"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it".
"You have power over your mind not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength".
"Every living organism is fulfilled when it follows the right path for its own nature".