New Film *American Socialist: The Life and Times of Eugene Victor Debs* (2017) [View all]
New documentary film by director Yale Strom profiles the formidable life of influential American socialist leader and labor organizer Eugene Debs (1855-1926) who was prominent during the activist Progressive Era, 1900-1920.
Debs helped form the first labor unions in the US, fought for worker's rights, was a member of the Democratic Party early in his career, and co founded the Social Democratic Party of America (1898) and the IWW, the International Workers of the World.
The socialist leader born in Indiana held firm political values and beliefs and was an impressive public orator who ran for president five times. In 1918 Debs' opposition to World War I put him in prison for the second, final time later in life. ~ Featured in the film are award winning author Barbara Ehrenreich, economist Prof. Richard D. Wolff and others.
*UPDATE: 2018 Screenings & Locations: Los Angeles, May 4; San Diego, May 11; so far Cleveland, June 12; Hudson, NY, April 27. SEE End of Article for More Info:
'Yale Strom on His Documentary, 'American Socialist: The Life and Times of Eugene Victor Debs', March 24, 2017
Chicago Tribune, 'Meet Bernie Sanders Hero Eugene Debs, A Socialist from the Midwest,' March 4, 2018
WIKI, Eugene V. Debs