every great photograph tells a story... [View all]
...and this is my biggest struggle in photography, particularly wildlife portraiture, which, i guess, is a good description of what i do the most.
too often i am so overly concerned with focus, clean backgrounds, low ISO, diffused light, shutter speed, aperture, and everything else that causes me to chase image quality standards that i can never live up to. and because of this, composition sometimes suffers and, more importantly, my work becomes so clinical that it lacks a compelling story.
so many of the greatest photos...the ones that tell the most riveting stories...are not technically perfect.....many are technically very imperfect; in the world of photojournalism, you don't have time to set up a shot when you need to catch the decisive moment of an event happening in front of you. yet these are the ones etched into our memories. a few that come to mind instantly are these:

....and there are thousands more!
so, at times i intentionally try to capture a story and sometimes it just happens inadvertently. here are a few of my photos that tell a story. i can tell you the story of each, but i think (or hope) you can come up with the story on your own. please, in this thread, post your favorite photos, that you have taken, that tell a story.

OK....now let's see yours!