A pix from our backyard of the Sun Storms which are causing our Wondrous Aurorae [View all]

About 2 weeks ago bought the AstroPhotoScope which used for the pix. Its been cloudy here ever since! Even the Sun has only briefly been visible and the above was taken through a layer of thin, high clouds on the 10th.
When in Solar Mode this AutoTelescope will only take JPEG. Stacked 6 in PS6, Lightly sharpened (Unsharp Mask) and cropped (since the aspect ratio is designed for cellphones)
Here's a review of the AstroScope I used (SeeStar S50).
The camera does all the magic. I basically just pushed the shutterindeed, the instrument is designed for us beginners to astropix
Was Very Skeptical that it would be any good (since costs $500less than many lenses for SLR/DSLR). Live in Texas, am sure the (welcome!) cloudy skies will soon be gone until late next Autumn and so will be able to take some Deep Sky images (from my light-polluted site).
APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) had an image taken just about the same time as the above
Today's APOD has this current pix [breaking the APOD tradition of Sunday's Pix being an APOD from the past] of the sky from Poland.
So far the Geomagnetic Storms (although rated at the most damaging G5 level) have apparently caused little damage to infrastructures but brought much wonder to the sky.