The nudity is not sexual, but it is nudity. One was an elderly nazi woman getting into her shower. The other nudity was the male backsides of concentration camp prisoners.
The violence not shown, but described, was disturbing enough. It isn't like bank robber violence, but is more emotionally pernicious.
14 is probably too young. I hate to say "don't watch" because as an older woman, I have fears that young people are not integrating this real history of hate, persecution, and violence. I was listening to music in the car and wondered if The Sound of Music is ever performed any more as a high school play or community theater production. Is the movie ever shown on tv? To me, it is a movie about a family sacrificing for good and their principles in the early days of the third reich. I'm not sure that 21st century kids get it. Of course, there are plenty of other great movies about this period.
BTW, during that time period of the late 1970s, I'm fairly certain that one of the upper middle-aged women I worked with in a part time job was Hitler Youth. Yes, I'm old enough to say that.