when someone who had done so well, seems so prepared and then boom they are gone. I loved the woman in I think Patagonia who had to go out because she had lost too much weight. There have been several of those. Man it must be hard on your body. We watched the seasons out of order so I do now know which is which but I loved the winners of the show where they had 2 people together. I never thought they would win but they did!
I really like one of the women on this season, hopefully she will do well. She is, however, not as prepared as one of the men who I think will win. I never can remember their names the way it goes but whoever wins always, ALWAYS deserves it.
I would give anything to not be a little old lady. I would love to try something like this but it would be beyond me to learn those skills or do most of it. I am having enough problems with a farm! Anyway, it is our night too. Not completely sure what the hook is for me, maybe just learning some things that possibly could come in handy some day. Who knows?
Where they are I worry so much about them burning down their huts and having to wait through the night with all those animals around. The time it happened was almost more than I could take.
I will think about you enjoying this while we watch it. I got a friend hooked on it too but they are way behind catching up.