living in the Antelope Valley area (Palmdale) are still angry about how they feel Hill left them high and dry they told and still tell me, and especially so after seeing how 45 tried to STEAL a whole damn legitimate GE win from Biden in 2020. The GQP is destroying our country, and mind you several friends tirelessly passed out campaign materials, made calls, helped to hold fund-raisers for Hill in pain/disabled. One is disabled and took her new born with her. I can't imagine how badly she feels. Their district really got back-handed IMO. They won't say it, but Hill had to have known that what she did in dark would come to light, and she'd get told/asked to resign especially being a Dem. The carnage the GQP is reaping on our country is horrible. We still have pedophiles like Gaetz, and rapist-enablers like Gym Jordan still sitting in the US Congress, and talking smack about Dems/liberals being the culture of 'woke.' They love seeing our country sliding down into HELL thanks to their dear leader tRump and the rest of their right-winged cabal. Friends tell me that while Garcia's a veteran, he's also a tRump-loving stooge with a horrible voting record, whose still saying that tRump was robbed of the presidency. Garcia lost right-winged Semi-Valley voters friends tell me, and he's also running against a Democratic war hero who calls Garcia a terrorist in his commercial. So happy to see a Dem fighting fire with fire. I hope beyond hope that Garcia's Dem challenger can beat him, because Garcia is a traitor, because he's still saying that 45 WON the 2020 GE. SMDH.