CA insurance company drops customer after 'drone' took aerial images of yard [and saw clutter] Video [View all]
While clutter can be a fire hazard wouldn't it be fair to put someone on notice and give them time to clean up their yard?
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OAKLEY, Calif. -- Just as California's wildfire season gets underway, homeowners insurance is becoming more and more scarce. Some companies aren't writing any new policies, while others are dropping longtime customers. Among them is a Bay Area man who was told he lost his insurance -- based on photos taken by a drone over his property.
It came as a shock. At first, he was told he'd lost his insurance because "drone photos" taken over his property showed hazards in his yard. But the company would not show him the pictures. Later, he was told there was no drone, just aerial photos. He felt it intruded on his privacy, with no way to reinstate his policy.
"Apparently they have some pictures, and they noticed clutter," Sveen said.
Sveen also took ABC on a ground-level tour and admits the yard is cluttered. But he's a do-it-yourself "tinkerer." He's restoring a 1966 Chevy, his first car, and he changes his own tires each season. He installed the solar panels on his roof.