Showing Original Post only (View all)Oh ghod did I get hot at a Trumper today ragging on Cali on a opinion page [View all]
I won't even repost most of the contrived rant this Dem-demonizing, fact-dismissive Trump humper posted. Jest was a long, repeating screed of the same recycled bullshit you've seen before, eluding to "our entire state overrun with homeless" that apparently had burned down most of the city, (I'm assuming he read about the Hayes and Sunset fire and hyperbolized the damages to fit narrative) ranted on it's all because we're "godless" Democrats (the childishly insult-misspelled version) to be divinely punished. Then along came the classical "I pray your state falls in the ocean" animosity. Grr. I know and also lived in the lower Hayes for 3 years. Reports I read were only speculative about cause.
I couldn't let that ride this time.
I shut that site down after my reply and went about my day a while, but realized I feel I'd locked this doofus down pretty well, looked it up to copy/paste and share with you.
My reply, certain to elicit a ton of Trumper Fox News idiocy I'll not return again to bother with.
Oh, baby I was steamed, apparently. Here's the copy:
Dear Trump supporter:
Strap in, Herbert, this trailer trash Cali man is about to fillet you with the facts.
I have lived, mostly in the cleaner, nicer RV parks all over California for over 40 years of my mostly Cali-based travel healthcare career now. Late years, more than ever before, these parks are chock full of license plates from other states, about half of them here for the same reason: work. I've had the distinction of being one of the few "cali" plates seen in most of them all winter long. The other half, snowbird retirees here for the mild climate. Oh, and by the way, these are clean, well maintained, beautifully landscaped RV parks with palm trees, sparkling pools, Jacuzzis, air cooled rec rooms, shuffleboard, other perks, all new late model vehicles and RV's, not the ramshackle trailer parks
there are a few of those here too, but several gigs I suffered through in other states taking the travel gig adventure there, quite often had no acceptable RV park options I'd even think about living in short term, abandoned my RV in storage there till done and rented a pet friendly apartment the duration. In 2009 the multi-state job availability had been rendered devoid of openings, decimated elsewhere under the misadministrations of your great hero GWB. California was the only state to quickly and significantly recover the wide range of gig choices again, and many midwestern states never have. In the entire span of the 3 prior decades, my profession was always in high demand almost everywhere, our professional rag had a hjalf inch thick section with all states to choose from. 2008-2009 California was the only state with several, albeit not quite one page of job listings left other than a few postings in New York for jobs in my field. It was that year I dropped my license to practice in all other states.
Here is the booming economy to compare with entire nations. Most of the streets and freeways, highways are in good repair and there is public transit availability as well, I can Google a public transit route most anywhere within the state, that same search in non-urban areas of midwestern, southwestern states results only in options of drive an hour, or walk" laughably for the likes of 6 days, 22 hours and 34 minutes. Yeah, right. Bus or trains may always not be the idealistic bourgeois option but that beats none for many, and has the carbon footprint greener angle too. When I get work that has a timely bus/train schedule to get there I utilize it. I'd rather read my book for a few minutes enroute work than headache with snarling traffic. Leave that to the professionals. I'll gladly pay the extra Calif franchise tax board more for what works.
Yes it is expensive. I also make at least twice what gigs in any other state pay unexceptionally, and that more than compensates for the increased expenses. I also have traveled through and worked short term gigs in other states to see boarded up, closed down ramshackle towns, most of which are now blighted with drunken meth heads barely able to walk without wild extrapyramidal movements. Gaaaah. Worse yet having to put up with that mess in the hospitals there en masse.
Yes some relatively small areas here are overrun with homeless here and always have been. It's interesting: often because they've fallen through the cracks and don't want to freeze to death elsewhere. There's also a chance here, however slim, of upward mobility for the motivated, out of that predicament that practically does not exist at all elsewhere. Your claim of the high moral ground on that issue in other states is questionable at best.
Our homeless encampment blighted areas every bit as ugly a sight as the perpetually weekly rate motel relegated and homeless in other states in summer, but the more hopeful population rendered homeless with half a brain long hitchhiked their way here long ago: If your areas are so good and rife with christian charity
whew, you certainly by evidence failed miserably at Jesus's outreach mission.
Not only has 50 years of Fox brainwashing distortions created this nauseating, huge cult of the most ill-informed, idiotic, pseudo-patriotic brain-dead drunken, methed up, inordinately hypocritical dipshits punctuated by wearing MAGA hats MADE IN CHINA
Jeebus Christ Crunch Cereal. Had I seen this dystopian shit coming 50 years ago Id never have left California. However, Ive circumstantially stayed in California continuously now for the last 13 years since the Bush job market crash decimated the gig economy in all 49 other states other than an occasional blip in New York. Too far, too cold. Whenever Ive travelled out of state the hoards these jacked up pickemuptruck cornballs and their unduly crass bumperstickers unexceptionally with Trump stickers on the bumper running around like super entitled inferiority complex befuddled brats make me beeline for the west coast again where their rare appearance betrays the reality borne ugly spectre of backwoods terra incognita fish out of water floundering foolish idiots they are.
No wonder you hate on Cali so. You came, you obviously myopified your preconcieved gaze on the relatively small blighted areas easy enough to avoid, iginored the overwhelming beauty of most of the state, returned home to see that blight everywhere driving on long Republican policy-neglected freeways decimated by potholes and patches, drive bigger and bigger pickemuptrucks to tear those freeways up even worse, eat the crap shoveled onto a fork at what few non-competitive restaurants there are where Dennys can often be the creme of the available selections, fhen lashed out here.
Yes we have homeless, we always have because anyone that destitute with a functioning half a brain would come here too. Sure beats freezing to death. For claims of moral superiority, you certainly failed demonstrably at Jesuss compassionate mission.
You want to FAFO, Herbert? I have a challenge for you: Spend one day asking the dazed derelict appearing disembarkers at SF Greyhound bus depot. Inquire of them how they got the ticket here and prepare for a shocker about your midwestern state. Youll learn something that will enrage you about this "moral" aspect of Trumpism.
Okay, Ill spoil the joke. You'll hear this or similar response from these poor souls till it makes you sick: Uh, Well, Duh, when I got out of jail in Frozen Dog, Idaho, they gave me the duh ticket here.
It's an aspect that's been happening since the 1980's, was a segment on the local news investigative report that did exactly that when I lived there and continues now.
Our nation has one hope of recovery:
VOTE BLUE 2024."
End paste.
Now in retrospect, I wish I'd added that I received top notch, experienced cancer care a couple years ago that has my troubles in full remission. from what I've witnessed, It's relatively unlikely I'd have received competent care elsewhere.
What I wouldn't include is that is also why I'm relegated to the "trailer park" for retirement now paying it all off. But that beats the hell out of the alternative, had I been struck down with this problem elsewhere, from what I know of those facilities, I likely wouldn't be here to argue down that fuckwit.
C'est la vie. Nice new trailer, Palm trees, pool, jacuizzi, club room... not so bad.