I was raised in Colorado (Denver area) and the first time I voted was in 1960, the Kennedy-Nixon race. Won't tell you which one I cast my ballot for (I was disturbingly conservative back in the day), but suffice it to say, I grew wiser through the years to the point where I'm now, one could say, disturbingly liberal. Thought I knew a lot about Colorado history, but recently, while researching a book I'm setting in 1914 Denver, I learned that women got the vote there in 1873. Yes!
Now about the Larimer County positions with no one running--I'll take a wild guess and say it might have something to do with the fact that nowadays, citizens literally lay their lives and reputations on the line when they step into politics. Not to mention the insane amount of money it takes to conduct even the most benign of campaigns. This has got to be the most discouraging time I've known in my 70-plus years, and it just doesn't seem to get any better. Perhaps a journalist with an inquiring mind will research this and do an article in, say, the Denver Post, since the RMN has gone the way of too much of the print media. I know some folks who live in or near Fort Collins, thus I have an interest in what goes on there. If explanations are forthcoming, I look forward to learning more. My old home state always has a place in my heart.
Keep the faith!