Colorado's unemployment fund could run out of money next month. Here's what that means for [View all]
Colorados unemployment fund could run out of money next month. Heres what that means for businesses.
By the time Colorado does its annual June checkup of the special fund used to pay unemployed workers, the account will likely be empty, and possibly in the red.
Out-of-work Coloradans should be OK, though. Theyll still get unemployment pay because the state, as its done in the past, will borrow money from the federal government to pay the claims.
But unemployment insurance premiums paid by employers will rise sharply in order to refill the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund at least 54% and as much as 86% more per employee for a company of five workers, according to an example offered by the state Department of Labor and Employment.
Nearly a half-million Coloradans filed for unemployment in the eight weeks since coronavirus safety measures went into place in March.
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