what gets me is that why in the world would the occupants of that particular MH still stay in the MH (MH = Mobile Home), putting themselves in danger, knowing that there was a serous problem w/ one particular tree (from the article, many issues of dangerous trees / uncontrolled brush / etc. were present at the property)?
The operators of the MH park were even warned 9 months earlier, from what I read, to have licensed tree trimmers come into the park and work. I'm sure that the residents of the MH park warned the operators even earlier than 9 months that hey, things are bad!
I wondered when I read this article that the occupants should have called someone at the least, to at least trim or cut the thing out, so as to not be in danger. Then take it up w/ the operators of the MH park to get reimbursed. Perhaps they didn't have the funds to undertake something like this, but still, to continue to place themselves in danger???
Wow. The owners of this MH park are really irresponsible and definitely should be liable for the physical as well as punitive damages too, as well. I suspect that the insurance (if any) on the MH park will be canceled, after all, if the operators can't take care of the property, why would an insurance company be responsible? The MH park is now in receivership, so I don't know if anything will get done. More than likely, the occupants will probably be notified that they'll have to leave, and the bank/others will sell the property, and then all of the MH occupants will have no place to go. Sad.
Go figure. I have run a MH park, and we did get out there immediately when a tree was in danger of falling onto a MH. Trees are not nice to MHs.
We were very aggressive in removing such possible candidates (dangerous trees/etc.) from around MHs, being that most MHs aren't able to withstand the forces that would occur when a tree collapses onto a MH.
I'm surprised that this guy (not his mom) is a representative for the state. It just goes to show you just how in tune he is, and how much he cares about his voters, eh? I hope that the voters take notice and throw him out of office.