Online learning students must take statewide exams in-person at public schools, even during a [View all]
Online learning students must take statewide exams in-person at public schools, even during a pandemic
Several months ago, the state sent out a memo alerting administrators that Floridas public school students will resume statewide testing for the 2020-21 academic year, even if the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Not all families would be happy about the hitch: Florida students will have to take the statewide assessments in person, regardless of whether they have been learning at home or getting face-to-face instruction in a traditional school setting this academic year.
No matter which education model a family chose at the start of the year, Florida students will have to return to brick-and-mortar campuses for state exam days even though COVID-19 cases have continued to rise.
Some families may not want their children to be pressured into statewide testing during a pandemic. And others were told by the state that they would have choices in how their children could learn whether in person or online.
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