68 Florida Hospitals Have Less Than 48 Hours Worth Of Oxygen [View all]
The Florida Hospital Association is sounding the alarm, saying a survey shows 68 hospitals have less than a 48-hour supply of oxygen.
Hospitals are using three to four times as much oxygen as they were before the pandemic because more than 17,000 patients are hospitalized statewide with COVID-19. The FHA survey, which was done today, shows 68 hospitals have less than 48 hours worth of supply, with about half of these have less than 36 hours.
This is not like running out of masks, right? This is life saving, said Florida Hospital Association President Mary Mayhew. And right now were focused on how to make sure that does not happen. And so hospitals have been raising these concerns, with the state, with the division of emergency management, with the governors office, and have raised these concerns federally.
Mayhew says part of the problem is a lack of delivery drivers. But she is also worried that there is an oxygen supply problem.
Read more: https://www.wmfe.org/survey-68-florida-hospitals-have-less-than-48-hours-worth-of-oxygen/188797