Orange County firefighters resist county vaccine mandate [View all]
Demings announced that 78% of county employees are now vaccinated: 87% are non-union, but just 63% of those in unions, which include corrections officers and firefighters, have gotten at least one shot.
The unvaccinated are up against an Oct. 1 deadline to get vaccinated. The mayor says he's not worried that the Florida Department of Health may issue $5,000 fines under orders from Gov. Ron DeSantis to local governments that try to penalize employees who are not vaccinated.
He added, We have not received any correspondence from the department of health about violating those rules and we will just have to wait and see. But our county attorney believes that we are on solid legal ground both from a federal and a state perspective.
Firefighters have raised protests, objecting to the countys vaccine mandate. Their union is currently trying to negotiate a compromise with the county.
Sigh. At least there was some good news in the article.