Armed contractors invade private property, make it fit criteria for confiscation by eminent domain. [View all]
A private property, a lake separated from the wider river-system by a tiny land-bridge that can be crossed via air-boat.
Workers from some company show up and start clearing brushes. Refuse to show permit.
Next time, these workers show up with two sheriff deputies armed with machine-guns and dump the lake full of herbicides... after destroying his
"No Trespassing"-signs
The lake is dead. No plants, no fish, no wildlife whatsoever.
Next time, these workers show up with five sheriff deputies armed with machine-guns and dump herbicides into the already-dead lake.
The property-owner notes in the interview how these air-boats going over the land-bridge are eroding it over time: It has already lost a full foot of height.
When challenged, the first excuse of the FWC for dumping herbicides is that they need to clear out plants so that snail kites (a local bird that preys on snails) have a good habitat free of those pesky plants. Fact check: The lake is dead and no longer has any snails or plants in it.
The second excuse of the FWC was that they were dumping herbicide to kill a specific plant-species that is supposedly problematic for ecosystems. Ignoring that they killed everything in that lake.
My guess:
"Look here, your lake is a perfect water-way! No obstacles, no brushes, no plants where boats could get stuck... We neeeeeeeeed that waterway and, after all, there is no endangered wildlife in that lake."