Some teachers alarmed by Florida civics training approach on religion, slavery [View all]
Some teachers alarmed by Florida civics training approach on religion, slavery
Tampa Bay Times, 6/28/2022
A review of more than 200 pages of the states [civics education workshop] presentations show the founding fathers intent and the misconceptions about their thinking were a main theme of the training. One slide underscored that the Founders expected religion to be promoted because they believed it to be essential to civic virtue. Without virtue, another slide noted, citizens become licentious and become subject to tyranny.
Another slide highlights three U.S. Supreme Court cases to show when the Founders original intent began to change. That included the 1962 landmark case that found school-sponsored prayer violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment, which Judd said trainers viewed as unjust. At one point, the trainers equated it to the 1892 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the separate but equal doctrine.
DeSantis describes a battle for the next generation in education. His former education commissioner, Richard Corcoran, last spring told the Hillsdale National Leadership Seminar that education is 100 percent ideological, which is why picking leaders is so crucial. He added that leaders need to be strategic and quick when implementing policies to make sure they have impact.
Education is our sword. Thats our weapon. Our weapon is education, Corcoran said. And we can do it. We can get it right.
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