Sarasota FL school board meeting is a war zone [View all]
A manufactured astroturf "citizens group", Moms for Liberty, started by a local GOP school board member, B. Ziegler, have made school board meetings here horror shows-raucous, vitriolic, and hate-full. Tonight one "Mom" told a board member he should hurry up and die. And her team of mean girl pals clapped and cackled. Grown women? Concerned about childrens' education? They have all the GOP talking points used to demonize teacher and public schools ready at hand, and the same gang attends and insists on speaking at every board meeting.
The local school board is supposed to be nonpartisan, but an election is coming up and Gov. DeSatan coming to town two days before election day to shill for his three candidates. The GOP and their billionaire donors are taking over from the bottom of local and state politics on up. If they win, the whole school board will be his toadies. And teacher morale will continue to decline, professional educators will leave, and the privatization of all public Florida schools will eventually become reality. Which is just what DeSantis, his conservative billionaire donors and grifter politicians want.