DeSantis' use of those Venezuelans might very well have cost him the election.
I have seen stories that even the Cuban population in Florida is pissed off too.
I hope Christ is running spots in Spanish on Spanish radio & TV and social media sites.
"From 2010 to 2019, the Venezuelan population in the U.S. increased 126 percent to 540,000, more by far than people with roots in any other nation. The top three nations are Latin American, but Guatemala is a distant No. 2 at 49 percent growth followed by No. 3 Honduras at 47 percent.
Earlier surveys showed that about half of Venezuelans in the U.S. live in Florida.",socialist%20Hugo%20Chavez%20and%20his%20successor%20Nicol%C3%A1s%20Maduro.
Didn't DeSantis use money from FDOT (that $ was from the federal government and it was supposed to have been
for C-19 relief)to not only pay for the charter planes but for the couple that recruited the Venezuelans with lies about
jobs, housing and help with immigration? The people of Florida should hear that story too.