Warning: High windy alert. The political conspiracy explanation for Florida hurricanes [View all]
Warning: High windy alert. The political conspiracy explanation for Florida hurricanes
Frank Cerabino, Palm Beach Post,11/27/2022
Now that the hurricane season is wrapping up, we here in Florida need to assess the risks going forward.
Im going to turn this discussion over to DeAnna Lorraine and Lauren Witzke. Both women were unsuccessful candidates for U.S. Congress in 2020 and both have postulated that Hurricane Ian, the hurricane that devastated parts of Southwest Florida in September, was a deep state secret attack on the state that had more to do with the political enemies of Gov. Ron DeSantis than with natural weather patterns.
Stay with me. This is going to get deep.
These huge hurricanes always seem to target red states, red districts, and always at a convenient time typically right before elections, or in this case, possibly, because Ron DeSantis has been stepping out of line a lot and challenging and fighting the Deep State, Lorraine said on her Shots Fired web show.
Deep dive into some Q madness. No paywall.