Another Florida poll shows Kamala Harris within five points of Donald Trump [View all]
New presidential race polling from Emerson College shows Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in a tight race ahead of the highly anticipated Sept. 10 presidential debate.
Overall, Trump has 50% support, with Harris at 45% in the poll of 815 likely voters conducted Sept. 3-5. The sample is 39% Republican and 32% Democrat, reflecting the GOP registration advantage in the state.
When undecided leaners are added to the mix, the race is even closer still due to Harris advantage among the small pool of undecided voters, with Trump ahead by just three percentage points, at 51% to 48%.
A full 89% of respondents say they are locked into their choice.
As might be expected given the rest of the responses, both candidates have essentially equal favorability, with 51% of respondents approving of Trump, and 49% of Harris.