Rename Papa Johns stadium the Muhammed Ali - Cardinal Stadium [View all]
If you have not heard, Papa John's Stadium was renamed Cardinal Stadium in quick response to a cavalier use of the 'n'-word during a phone meeting where the Papa himself (John Schnatter) was making excuses for his use of the n-word because as he claimed Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame) said the same. Anyway, it was a disaster of a mistake on Schnatter's part and Papa John has to go just based on the optics it gives the University of Louisville So, regardless of contracts, the university made the bold move of removing Papa John's name and renaming it Cardinal Stadium. John Schnatter also resigned from the Board of Trustees because of this. So the Papa John's football stadium is no more, and will simply be called 'Cardinal Stadium' without commercial sponsorship.
Not many people know this, but Muhammed Ali was a HUGE Cardinal fan and of course the "Louisville Lip" has no equal. A few people (Alumni etc.) are now suggesting The "Muhammed Ali Cardinal Stadium" as the official name. Not only would it be a tribute to one of the best sportsmen of all time it would also acknowledge a man that united people regardless of race or religion. What do you think? Chime in if you like or don't like the idea.