"In our last election they were given three weeks, this law only gives them three days, Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw said of the early voting period.
This is really awful, tax money to support private schools. The game is to eliminate public funded education for all and replace it with public supported private schools for only the right kind of people.
"School Choice,"
House Bill 563 allows students to change school districts. It also creates organizations that would fund private school tuition and gives $25 million in tax breaks to those groups.
"This is not about whether public schools do a good job. I think they do a great job, and probably most of us in this room are graduates of public schools. This is about giving families a choice. That's it, just giving families a choice, Rep. Chad McCoy, (R)-District 50, said earlier this year.
Another, against the people law,
HB 475: Starting July 1, the Kentucky Occupational and Health Standards Board cannot adopt or enforce occupation safety and health administrative regulations that are more stringent than corresponding federal rules.