Oystermen claim state regulations violate their privacy [View all]
Commercial oystermen in Plaquemines and St. Bernard parishes are contending in a Baton Rouge court that the state-mandated vessel monitoring systems installed on their boats are illegal and should be removed.
They are claiming the state has no right to monitor their vessels while they are not on public oyster leases or reefs.
The oystermen say they are unable to disengage or power down the monitoring systems even when their vessels are not commercially taking oysters from Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries-managed and regulated public natural reefs or LDWF-designated oyster seed grounds.
The Legislature did not authorize the LDWF to track, collect or use the VMS data from oyster vessels engaging in any activities unrelated to the commercial taking of oysters from the public natural reefs or oyster seed grounds or while the vessels are not on the oyster seed grounds, their lawsuit, filed Thursday at the 19th Judicial District Court, states.
More at http://theadvocate.com/home/6676548-125/oystermen-claim-state-regulations-violate .