I found it really interesting as well and bookmarked it myself. I thought you might appreciate the info too.
As a child I spent most of my years there in the Bowdoinham/Brunswick area an still remember much of what I saw and learned. I recall moose in our garden in Bowdoinham, I attended Nathaniel Hawthorne School (across the street from Harriet Beacher Stowe's house -which was then a fine dining establishment but I think it's a museum now). And used to ride bicycles with my older brother around the Bowdoin College campus and past Nathaniel Hawthorne's house... It was a great place to be a kid... but I really got into the wildness of Harpswell when we lived there - on the peninsula not the islands.
Anyway, glad you like that site, I have to explore it more myself. Most of the Native American info I have in my brain these days is of the Great Basin tribes... because that's what we had to study close at hand out here in the midst of "Indian Country". But with some coaxing and personal recall, I'm sure I can dredge up some info on the area of my childhood too.