that LePage and the Republicans saw big wins on November 4th this year. Even in southern Maine (I live in Portland) the right wing had a lot of support and energy on their side. I agree that this was in big part due to the bear-baiting referendum - that possibly drew 20,000+ voters to the polls who may not have otherwise voted. And the vast majority (almost 100% ot these typically unlikely voters) cast their ballots for LePage in addition to voting NO on the referendum.
In addition - Mike Michaud coming out as gay also turned a certain percentage of voters against him, and probably didn't gain him any new supporters he didn't already have. And there was the Independent candidacy of Eliot Cutler that also drew upwards of 5-8% of the vote away from Michaud. Then the whole Nurse Hickox / ebola issue probably did move some voters to the right - even if only tenth(s) of a percent.
All combined there was just too much going in favor of the right wing here in Maine this year. With LePage holding his 39% from the previous election - the issues dejeur got him another 9% of the electorate and a resounding reelection to a second term. I don't think any amount of education or information would have made enough of a difference to get Mike Michaud the win. Maine doesn't have electonic voting machines - although the tallying is done using an optical system - but I don't this was or has been a factor in our electoral processes. This election loss, bitter as it was - will hopefully be a one-timer and chalked up as a lesson-learned for the Maine Democrats!