At least then the propaganda of the MSM was directed outward. We could decry how Russia only had one party to vote for, the Communists, only one news source, Pravda, and how most citizens were little more than serfs, while the top echelons of the Party (always spelled with a capital ('C') lived a life of luxury. And, because Pravda told the citizenry only what its masters wanted it to tell, all those serfs thought they were living in a 'worker's paradise'.
But then the 'evil empire' fell and the uber wealthy had to look elsewhere for their obscene wealth. And, golly gee whiz, they looked here. And we are seeing SSDD. Do we really have two parties. I guess. There is a really tiny party, made up of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and a few others. And then there is the Demopublican party, whose rhetoric proclaims it is two different parties, but whose votes say otherwise. We have our own version of Pravda and its name is FOX. And the rest of the MSM prints whatever the Demopublicans tell them to print.
So we have a Congress that finally admits that climate change, but refused to admit that mankind has anything to do with it, a Congress that if gung-ho for the XL pipeline, one that gleefully puts a science-denier at the head of the Technology and Science Committee, a President who finally, when he knows there is no chance of passage, offers up a budget that would actually help the Middle Class, while at the same time, negotiating the TPP (which many have referred to as NAFTA on steroids) which will move the world a long step toward total corporatocracy.
<sigh> Give me the days of the Cold WAr and the evil Russian Empire.