Nancy Pleosi and crew kicked that crybaby Paul Ryan's plan out of the park [View all]
way to go Nancy and crew-can't stand that cry baby or his plan=it has been shot down since 2010= any plan with vouchers is a bad plan and will fail. This plan is basically the same plan they have been proposing for seven years and it has gone nowhere because it sucks.
Did you hear? Paul Ryans plan to repeal the ACA barely got off the ground before it imploded.
He pulled the bill. After 7 years, Ryan couldnt even bring TrumpCare to a vote because he didnt have the support of members of his own party.
He also couldnt overcome our grassroots opposition.
We kept the pressure up on the GOP until the very end. It worked. Now we need to build off our momentum.
We succeeded this time, but the fight isnt over. President Trump and Paul Ryan arent going to stop here.
Theyre not done trying to reverse our progress. We need to be ready to handle the other items on their extreme agenda just like we did with health care