In reply to the discussion: Thousands of Maine men are missing from the workforce, and no one really knows why [View all]IronLionZion
(47,054 posts)Some of us kick back.
White people can't handle the racial discrimination I've faced. Constantly being told you don't deserve to work with Americans in good stable jobs with benefits. You're not entitled to anything, not even to apply for such jobs. You don't get to interview and you're stupid for even asking about it. Learn your place and not be so uppity. Good stuff is for other people, not you. I've heard this my entire life. You probably heard something different in your life.
So when I see able bodied white males who don't look too disabled to me, not even apply for jobs. Don't move. Don't take advantage of community job training resources. Don't read books to self train. Don't really want it enough. And claim that they can't find jobs. It's too difficult. And they don't have the blatant discrimination I have.
Then maybe immigrants stealing jobs are not the problem.
To be absolutely clear, I'm ONLY talking about the ones with negative attitudes who are lying to themselves and to the claims administrators. This should not be encouraged. I have NO ISSUE at all with people who really are disabled and need benefits for the necessities of life. I'm still a liberal.
I'll admit I'm opportunistic. Even though I despise that orange racist troll in the white house and everything he stands for. You best believe that when that shithead won the election I started applying for jobs in fields that will do well when Republicans are in charge. Just like I worked in healthcare/benefits fields when Obama was in charge. I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I still want everyone to have universal single payer health care. If I don't get lynched or deported, then maybe I might like to see what's good with these tax cuts.