Tens Of Thousands Of Job Seekers In Limbo After LePage Declines $8 Million In Retraining Money [View all]
Last month, Gov. Paul LePage informed the U.S. Department of Labor that he would no longer accept about $8 million in federal job retraining funding for thousands of unemployed workers.
In response, the Secretary of Labor warned LePage that his decision could force career centers around the state to close and potentially eliminate services for 50,000 people. The correspondence was obtained by the Bangor Daily News.
Current funding for the program expires at the end of the month. The decision could upend the future plans of at least hundreds of Mainers looking to get back into the workforce.
Colleen Labrecques schedule revolves around two things: caring for her youngest daughter still in high school and preparing for class. Labrecque is one of a half-dozen people who come to Farmingtons Mt. Blue High School three nights a week, training to become certified nursing assistants.
Read more: http://mainepublic.org/post/tens-thousands-job-seekers-limbo-after-lepage-declines-8-million-retraining-money