Giving up is exactly what they wanted us to do on Ranked Choice Voting. And guess what? We just got the signatures for the People's Veto. We did it with over 1000 volunteers. We did it by mobilizing all over the state just 15 hours before the polls opened last November to get petitions to 400 polling places. We did it standing in sub-zero temperatures to collect signatures. It was monumental and should give anyone tremendous inspiration. And this work must not be in vain. We must prevail in June and smash down the rotten forces trying to undermine our referendums.
So we just proved that if people stand up and fight, we can win. For now our effort has stopped the rotten amendment they tried to sneak in last October to effectively kill Ranked Choice Voting. We said NO. We stopped them!
It is also mainly the Republicans and LePage attacking the referendums. Do we just let them win? No! We pass the People's Veto to Restore Ranked Choice Voting instead in June, and then we vote out as many Republicans as we can in November.
I know it is easy to get discouraged. But that is exactly what they want. Get discouraged and disengage and they have won. They have beaten you. Or, do what so many of us are doing instead and channel that frustration into an even greater resolve to defeat THEM and defeat them BIGTIME.
I urge you to write a letter to the editor saying how rotten it is that some legislators in Augusta have been attacking our referendums and that the people are not going to stand for it. Urge people to vote for the People's Veto to Restore Ranked Choice Voting. And if you are a registered Democrat, I urge you to go to your caucus on March 4th and take some people with you.
As Barack Obama says, "Don't get mad, VOTE." As Bernie Sanders says, "It is very easy to get discouraged and give up on the political process. What we need to do is just the opposite. We need you involved in the political process because when many people come together they make a difference and can take their government back and make it work for ALL the people."
We are making it happen, but we have got to put it over the finish line. We can't disengage. In fact, we need to engage harder than ever. Please help us win the argument, win this People's Veto vote in June, defeat the forces (mainly the right wing) in Maine trying to take away our referendums, and show them that we will not retreat, we will not be silenced, we will not be intimidated, we will not give up, we will not go away, we will fight, and we will win. Thanks.