you know why he ran as an independent as well as I do! And the right doesn't have a chance against him-Summers is a loser! he has a record of losing! even if Snowe and company backs him Summers will lose will lose! Poliquin has no chance -the working class will vote against him!
I know him(angus) as a dedicated person with sound judgement and he will serve this state well if elected!
Many mainers have left both parties because of the top not listening to the average voter!
I support chellie 100% in her present position and hope she holds on to her seat.
I don't need anyone telling me not to vote for who I think is the best person for the job!
the tea party in maine is a minority! It was exploited by the press and like all last weeks news it has reached its peak and is now fading into the sunset!
the polls show that LePage and company is losing followers by the truck load! the 61% of independents and democrats now equal over 72%! all the money in texas won't buy this senate race-but we can lose it alienating independents!