time to shut the flip flopping right up [View all]
this is a call for help-not one of you good people seem to be willing to counter the bull
shit the right is peddaling. you seem content to let them control the sound bytes and spread their bull ! you done this last election and lost the state!!! if you do it on the healthcare bill you will lose the country! stand up to the Maine heritage outfit. their financed from out of state money! their agena is not healthy for Maine-tabor is being brought back!(it fails the test)
the healthcre mandate is a perfect example to wake the average voter up!this is a perfect example of the right changing gears! but they dropped their draws-pick up on it spread the word-shut that bonehead in the coffee shop up with this info. blog it-don't let them bury it!
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Search ResultsRepublicans Supported an Individual Mandate Until Obama Did.www.dailykos.com/.../-Republicans-Supported-an-Individual-Mandat...You +1'd this publicly. Undo
23 hours ago Then Bush lost the '92 election to Bill Clinton. ... and put an end to unfair and unethical insurance practices, Republicans had to kill it. ... And guess what both of these bills included?... an individual health care mandate. .... If your diary covers an election or elected official, use election tags, which are ...
now our party was complacent last election and we lost the state! are you going to light a fire under the party leader or are you going to let the right win in nov.?