Election Integrity Freedom and Security Act
Rhetorically cuts off the fascists at the pass on their fig-leaf of using security as a sword to make voting as difficult as possible.
See its right there in the bill? Why wont ALL Rs now vote for easier voting, with security, now??
That part always get missed by mass media propaganda, how an entire party is actively opposed to making voting easier
the mass media apparently cant figure that out at all.
Long voting lines are NOT a sign of voter enthusiasm, it is a sign of voter suppression.
National Minimum Standards for Voters
begin with..no one should stand in line more than 15 minutes, anywhere. How the fk does hat happen with such regularity, everywhere?
800 billion a year for the military to protect the vote, but the voter is met with hostility at every Republican controlled voting booth
no money to spare, you see?
and wtf is with every state, save a few, with partisan political control of election boards? Its all so fked up now in large part because democrats started to join in on the fun of gerrymandering and political election boards and commissions
.instead of fighting the rot before it set in everywhere.
Now ofc the national mass media has gone full fascist coverup
no doubt democracy struggles to live if this or similar federal law is not passed.
Notice how the negative media coverage is only on one or two D souls,
. and not the 50 on the other side of the aisle always opposed to all that is sensible?
Why do those 50 always get a pass, I ask the Majors? Too much like work?