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35. Maine
> Debt per capita: $4,542 (12th highest)
> Budget deficit: 34.7% (5th largest)
> Unemployment: 7.5% (tied-20th lowest)
> Median household income: $46,033 (19th lowest)
...> Pct. below poverty line: 14.1% (23rd lowest)
In fiscal 2011, Maine had one of the nations largest budget shortfalls, equal to nearly 35% of its budget. The state is still slashing programs, including Medicaid, which accounted for the majority of the cuts in Mays budget-balancing bill. Maines residents do not earn as much as residents of other New England states. The states median household income was just $46,000, more than $15,000 below Massachusetts and Connecticut. Maines economic output has also lagged recently, with GDP contracting by 0.4% a bigger decline than all but five states.
Read more: The Best and Worst Run States in America: A Survey of All 50 - 24/7 Wall St.
http://247wallst.com/2012/11/27/the-best-and-worst-run-states-in-america-a-survey-of-all-50/#ixzz2DhwQCEkiSee More