A question but no answer. [View all]
At the present there are fifty eight million people receiving social security, around forty million people receiving SNAP or better known as food stamps and somewhere around fifty million people receiving Medicare. I don't have a close guess on Medicaid but I would imagine it is around forty to fifty million. This only takes in the major entitlements and welfare programs. If you put it all together my guess is over seventy million people. The republicans want to eliminate or drastically reduce these programs. I have asked some right-wing politicians what do you propose to do with these people. Most often they try to steer the topic in another direction. I would respect them more if they said they can starve or get sick and die, its not my problem. The conservative voter either feels the same or can't connect with the Paul Ryan plan, they only worry about their guns, abortion, and taxes. The end result is people on the right have no answer as to what will happen to the elderly, young, and people below the poverty line. For every action there is a reaction and for every decision there is a consequence. Until the republicans have a reasonable answer they are the biggest danger this country has.