Governor OKs plan for voting centers [View all]
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan approved recommendations by the state elections board on Monday to reduce the number of polling places to accommodate a shortage of poll workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
Last month, the governor initially directed the state to hold a traditional election and open all polling locations on Election Day, as well as early voting centers after the board did not reach a consensus on recommendations. That format would have opened about 80 early-voting centers and 1,800 precinct-based polling places.
Hogan also directed the board to promptly send out absentee-ballot request applications to every eligible Maryland voter for people who choose to vote by mail.
But local election officials asked to consolidate polling places due to shortages in volunteer election judges. Marylands 23 counties and Baltimore city collectively have more than 14,000 vacancies for poll workers with less than three months remaining before Election Day. Volunteers who work polls often are older residents, who are more at risk for coronavirus complications.