Hogan Official Fired After Defending Kenosha Shooter On Facebook [View all]
AUG 30, 12:42 PM
Hogan Official Fired After Defending Kenosha Shooter On Facebook
Hannah Schuster
An official in Maryland Gov. Larry Hogans administration has been fired after posting Facebook comments supporting the 17-year-old charged with shooting protesters in Kenosha, Wis., killing two of them.
The officialArthur Mac Love IVserved as the deputy director of the Governors Office of Community Initiatives. He had been in the role since January 2015, according to a screenshot of his LinkedIn profile.
Maryland Matters reports that Love posted and reposted comments, including memes, that defended the shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse.
In one post, according to Maryland Matters, Love shared a photo of actor Leonardo DiCaprio raising a glass of Champagne with the words, When you see a skateboard wielding Antifa chickens*** get smoked by an AR toting 17-yr-old.
DCists attempts to reach Love were unsuccessful.