At Legislative Black Caucus Reception, Governor Candidates Asked to Lay Out Their Policies to [View all]
At Legislative Black Caucus Reception, Governor Candidates Asked to Lay Out Their Policies to Bolster the Black Agenda
Black policymakers challenged gubernatorial candidates to elaborate on their strategies to create equity, inclusion and ownership through their Black Agendas at a reception Thursday evening.
I think its important that we put things in context because when you start talking about a Black Agenda, a Black Agenda means something different to everyone in the room, Del. Darryl Barnes, the chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, said Thursday evening.
All nine of the declared Democratic candidates for governor Rushern L. Baker III, John Baron, Peter V.R. Franchot, Doug Gansler, Ashwani Jain, John B. King, Jr., Wes Moore, Tom Perez and Michael Rosenbaum attended the Legislative Black Caucus candidates reception Thursday evening to inform voters of color about their policies surrounding the Black Agenda.
Two of the Republican candidates Del. Daniel L. Cox (R-Frederick) and Robin Ficker and Libertarian candidate David Lashar also attended.
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