Braintree to prohibit utilities from digging up newly-paved roads for 10 years. [View all]
The town council approved an ordinance which bars non-emergency work on town roads for a decade after they are repaved.
Braintree to prohibit utilities from digging up newly-paved roads for 10 years.
By Fred Hanson
The Patriot Ledger
Posted Aug. 12, 2015 at 2:15 AM
Updated at 2:20 AM
BRAINTREE Utilities will have to wait at least 10 years before they can dig into a newly paved town roadway, under an ordinance approved by the town council Tuesday night.
The measure does exclude emergency work, such as a major leak in a gas line.
For homeowners seeking to hook up to utility lines, the waiting period would be only five years.
At-Large Town Councilor Charles Ryan, who chairs the councils public works committee, said the purpose of the ordinance is for utilities to hard look at the work they need to do on their systems while the town is working on upgrading its roads.